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MyResidentRealtor.Com IS Denver's real estate blog - weblog. Including: Real estate happenings, prices, trends, tips and advice. "Now you have no excuse!"



As the real estate market nears the bottom and home prices continue to drop, opportunity looms everywhere. Opportunity the US hasn't seen in over 15 years. Opportunity that many Americans, including yourself, are not taking advantage of. What are you waiting for? A slap from God himself? How about one from me? ... well you can easily prevent that by buying a piece of real estate. Its that easy.

What's with all the bad media you say... I say turn off your TV. We hear foreclosures are up, prices are down, news home sales are down, etc. Bad, bad news from the media 24-7. While these may be true in parts of the country, *cough* Nevada, this is may not be true in your neck of the woods. In fact, it's most likely primetime to buy around your 'hood. Here are some reason's to buy, right now:

1. Prices in your neighborhood relatively stable. Homes are either declining very slowly or at a flat rate. No matter how you look at it, you will increase your value within the next 2 years.

2. You plan to stay in the home for more than five years. If you can stick it out that long before selling, you will ride out any downturn and come out ahead on price.

3. You can get into a condo or small home that equals the rent you pay now. You will not only pay yourself rent, but your mortgage interest will be tax deductible.

4. You will not have as much competition when buying as you will in a better market. Basicilly, you can negotiate easier with sellers that have only one offer, rather than 3 or 4.

5. You may have money to in the bank or equity in a home right now, which will allow your money to go further in market as this one.
